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All SuppliersWhy join Made in Pakistan

Higher market access to Pakistani products
- Trusted, verified companies from Pakistan are registered as Suppliers on Made in Pakistan. Both global and local buyers can search products and connect with 100s of suppliers from different industry sectors in one go to initiate their order request.

Reduce cost of doing business
- Buyers and Suppliers can reduce their cost of travelling, advertising, communication and verification by having access to multiple communication tools on the Made in Pakistan platform, such as, share RFP, request videocon meeting, take virtual tours, launch e-events.

RFP by global buyers
- Made in Pakistan platform will allow buyers to raise RFPs that will be sent to the relevant companies that deal or manufacture the products that the buyer wants to procure in the RFP.

One platform, multiple apps
- This platform houses features and services, which will enable companies to launch Interactive Company Profile, Online Store-front/ Office-front; conduct Virtual Exhibitions, Webinars, Trade Promotions, Virtual tours, Video Conferencing and a lot more.
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